In this article, we listed 10 physiotherapy centers for your child in Nairobi.
We have found some organizations that will help you access physiotherapy for your child for just less than KES 500 (5 USD) in Nairobi. Donors and well-wishers fund these organizations. Book an appointment today.
Physiotherapy can be expensive. We are talking about anything from KES 3,000 an hour if you’re lucky and anything to 7,000 per session.
Below is a list of institutions that offer various therapies for free or at an affordable price;
- Ready Aiders foundation, Mathare
Charges per session: Free
They offer free sessions for Occupational therapy, Physio Therapy, and Speech Therapy.
They also offer Behavioral therapy. However, this is not free as the therapist will have to come to your home. Other factors that will determine the cost include assessment and the amount of help needed. Additionally, they provide a supervisor who monitors the therapist as they train your child.
Some of the conditions that they attend to include but are not limited to Down Syndrome, Autism, Dyslexia, Cerebral Palsy.
Read more on their website: https://bit.ly/3mkEt5t
Contact: +254705526422
Contact Person: Kenneth Apopa
Email: info@readyaiders.ngo
Location: Mathare, Opposite Moi Airbase, Juja Road.
They also offer these services in Kawangware and Kajiado. Do not hesitate to call the number provided for more inquiries.
2. Nairobi family support services Waithaka & Kibra Kwa Dc
Charges per session: KES 200-500
Home program: KES 2,000. You have to register with the office first to be eligible for this program. This will enable easy monitoring of the progress of your child’s progress.
The services offered include; physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. They also have orthopedic technologists and staff who are ready to help. Special sitting aids, standings aids, splinters and more, are provided upon request and at a subsidized fee.
Lastly, they train sign language at a fee of KES 2,000 per month, 3 days a week. Basic communication takes 2 months. If interested in the entire course, they will link you up with organizations that train.
Read more on their website: https://bit.ly/3ldWzH3
Contact: 0723557658/0724292459- contact person, Anne
Email: nfsskibera@yahoo.com
Location: Kibera, Waithaka near the DOs office
Open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 830 to 3 pm.