7 Special Education schools in Mombasa
Special education schools in Mombasa play a vital role in catering to students with diverse learning challenges. They provide individualized education plans, specialized resources, and support services.
Here are 7 Special Education schools in Mombasa that offer nurturing educational experiences to help students reach their full potential, regardless of their learning disability, developmental delay, or other support needs.
Hope Special Education Centre Mombasa
This non-profit was formed in 2011 by 6 individuals to care for individuals with disabilities. The disabilities include; Autism, hearing impairment, learning difficulties, mobility/motor difficulties, and speech defects.
Contact: +254722866391
Hoface International Autism School
A special boarding school was founded in 2020 by a teacher passionate about children living with Autism, communication disorders, Attention Deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Emotional disorders, and Down Syndrome.
They admit Autistic children between 5 to 22 years old.
They are located in Nyali, Mountain Road off links
Contact: +254723485814 / +254739555088
Email: hofaceinternational@gmail.com
Port Reitz Special School for Physically Challenged
This is a Public Primary School that integrates a boarding school for the physically challenged and a day school for children without any disabilities who are living in the neighboring communities.
Contact Persons
Head Teacher
Mercy Mwandeje: +254734522421 / +254728294578
Deputy Head Teacher
Christine Kaingu: +254715154890
Email address: portreitz@gmail.com
Cerebral Palsy Foundation
Set up in 2007, Cerebral Palsy Foundation is an outreach project covering three villages. They send special physiotherapists to work with naturally challenged children suffering from Cerebral Palsy in remote areas.
Additionally, they work in less developed parts of the world such as India and Africa. They also partner with local charities, trusts, and associations globally.
Contact: +44 (0) 2083612475
Email: enquiries@careducation.org
Sapling Trust Foundation
A non-profit foundation that funds school and therapy situated on Chui Road off link rd, Nyali Mombasa.
It is managed by a team of 5. Four of these are parents to children with support needs. These parents had challenges finding suitable places that provided properly supervised therapy for their children.
Contact: +254 739 636634
Email: admin@saplingtrust.com
Likoni School For The Blind
This school was formed through a project partnership by the Mohsin and Fauzia Jaffer Foundation, Agha Khan Foundation, and Salvation Army International.
Mombasa Secondary School for the Physically Challenged
This is a boys’ day and boarding school.
The Integrated school includes learners with various disabilities e.g. Autism, sickle cell anemia, Epilepsy, Low vision, hard of hearing, Asthma, and more.
Sheltered workshops to learn skills e.g. sign writing, tailoring, and carpentry are available to students who cannot cope with the academic curriculum.
Contact: +254 784302196
Email: info@mssph.sc.ke
Lastly, to view the Physiotherapy centers in Mombasa, please click here.